" A little of kindness goes a long way. "

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Do you need to choose a friend?

Do you need to choose a friend? Why?

Hello! 😄
How are you doing today? I do hope that you are healthy and in a good mood. Today, I would like to talk about friends. In life, we will meet so many people - at home, at work, at supermarket, wherever you go. All with different behavior qualities; kind, friendly, respectful, helpful or rude, busybody, judge-mental. Do you really need to befriend with all of them?

I would say that it would be best if you could be kind & respectful with any of them no matter how they treat you. Sometimes, you shall also be helpful (if you are able to) even to those who have treated you wrong. To be kind, respectful & helpful to another human being who is also one of HIS CREATIONS is definitely a good deed - may God rewards you indefinitely.

Don't make anybody your enemy, even those who have declared you as their enemy. Keep trying to treat any human being in good manners. You will feel good about yourself and may God be pleased with your doings - so it's going to be worth it even it can be difficult at times.

However, when it comes to choose a "CLOSE FRIEND"; it is very important to make a wise decision. Be friends with all but be close with only FEW as you are likely to become the 5 People You Spend The Most Time With. It's a possibility but different people might have different experiences. It is also important to be careful and take precaution steps as some things are not to be taken lightly.

Choose carefully and keep in touch.

Best regards,
E: anjasmara.abdulrazak@gmail.com

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

A Fool

❅ Poem : A Fool ❅

I'm sitting all alone in my room and once again

I'm thinking of my life

My past is passing me by

See a lot of pain, a lot of tears

That's how I remember it

There were a lot of days that I could only cry

My hope was faded away

I wanted to say goodbye to everything

Now I'm laughing and feeling fine

Sometimes I still cry, inside and outside

But that's different then in the past

I wanted to say goodbye to everything

Damn, what was I a fool

Cause if I really said goodbye I had never felt

this lovely feeling deep inside

It's a great feeling, called Love

And I'm so thankful for finding My Love

It's making me stronger day after day

There was a time that I wanted to say goodbye,

Now I want to live!

❅ Poet : Lovelygirl ❅

Best regards,
E: anjasmara.abdulrazak@gmail.com